Well, this little project started a year ago…so what’s it all about?
The Divi Builder Theme has bought significant ease of access to the design process for those working with the WordPress CMS – while providing everyday users with the ability to edit and update sites without the need to constantly call on technical services.
Like all of the current WordPress Builders, this layer of convenience comes with an overhead in website speed (and more significantly has become an issue with Page Speed Experience and ranking from Google). Being a subject that the builders creators would rather not have aired or discussed in the open on their social groups, DiviSpeed was started as an independent Facebook Group where the subject could be discussed in detail. With numerous discussions, plugins tests, code examples, workarounds, solutions, hints and tips, – the group took off.
Starting the group from scratch, contacting suppliers for products tests, and managing the group, has been an interesting journey – and it’s been great to see so many joining over the months. A year later the DiviSpeed Facebook Group has over 1,700 members.
If you wish to join, simply aswer the membership questions and abide by the rules.